Izzat Marji Group (IMG) was established in 1985; starting from a small private company, turning up to be one of Jordan’s leading providers of Heating Systems, Air Conditioning Systems, Sanitary Supplies and Plumbing Materials, as well as Fixing Systems and Power Tools, in addition to Renewable Energy systems, Energy Efficiency and Green Buildings Services. IMG offers its products and services to its clients as comprehensive solutions through their distinguished and state of the art Platinum LEED Certified Green Headquarter that is strategically located in a key area in Amman serving as a one stop shop to its commercial and residential customers. Since introduction, IMG’s biggest priority has been to provide its customers with ‘innovative & Energy Efficient solutions’ through high quality products, reliable service, high performing systems, and unparalleled expertise. Furthermore, IMG has been heavily investing into its human resources. The biggest capital of IMG is its outstanding team which consists of more than 195?? employees (30% of them are engineers) who are all members of the big IMG family. This team is well trained, professional and knowledgeable, and is able to offer outstanding service. IMG has been always keen to holding its big responsibility towards sustainability by carrying on its mission of evolving contemporary and pioneer solutions with the latest technologies. The main concern of IMG has been, and will always be, to introduce Energy Efficient Systems, Green and Energy Saving Products, Water Saving Technologies as well as Renewable Energy Sources.